Wednesday, April 29
Curried Chicken
300 Coupon Giveaway!!
Check out and sign up for a 300 coupon giveaway. Nicole is a personal friend of mine and does a great job at updating giveaways daily! Thanks Nicole!
Baked Mac n Cheese
This is the yummy baked mac n cheese. You can find the recipe on meal plan 3. I did make a couple changes to ours. First, I doubled the recipe, used whole wheat pasta, added more cheddar, and skipped the blender part. I just tossed it all together. This one was a good one to get rid of my leftover ham in the freezer from Easter. Let me know what you think! :)
Tuesday, April 28
Meal Plan 3
Here is Meal Plan 3!
We made the baked ravioli last night and Claire loved it! My husband said she ate at least 8- 10! :) Feels good to know the family enjoys something we cook. Claire also helped me cook this one. Enjoy! :)
We made the baked ravioli last night and Claire loved it! My husband said she ate at least 8- 10! :) Feels good to know the family enjoys something we cook. Claire also helped me cook this one. Enjoy! :)
Saturday, April 18
Hey guys! So, after a bout of the flu (this bug was one for the record books) and a short trip to Chicago.....I'm back! You don't want to know the details of the first, but Chicago was great. It was just the two of kids! We visited the Field Musuem, saw a Cubs game, shopped at Trader Joes and Ikea, (I know you guys that live in the midwest are drooling...he he), and ate where ever we wanted when ever we wanted! :) We ate at a little place called Cousins (used to be called Efes) that served mediterranean food. The mixed grill was awesome, some of the best grilled chicken I've ever had! YUM! We had dessert at Aladdins Eatery. Rob had a pistacio cake and I had a lemon cheesecake. (AMAZING) We also had Giordano's Pizza! This pizza is by far the best pizza I have ever had......and your in luck.....the ship pizzas for only $20! You gotta try it!
Tuesday, April 7
April Giveaway
Refreshment Challenge
*adapted from The Bathtub is Overflowing but I Feel Drained by Lysa Terkeurst
"A special tradition in our home is an afternoon treat. My kids and I love fresh baked cookies, chewy brownies, and other concoctions of all kinds. Sometimes we eat apples, oranges or some other snack from the healthier regions of the food pyramid, but mostly we like a sweet treat....
If these little treats made me so happy as a child, why do they have to stop? Why is it that I sometimes think motherhood is all about what I do for others and never stop to think of the wonderful benefits of treating myself? I can see the church lady from the depths of my religious background jumping out with a finger wagging. "Don't be so worldy! Pull out your Bible and read a verse or two.....
If you are feeling really weary, sing a verse or two of "It is well with my soul," and stop thinking of yourself.....
I whisper back to her, "If you are so into giving these days, I'd gladly let you watch my kids, run their carpools, and clean and cook for me while I go sit in the tub and sing hymns and reflect on spiritual insights."......:)
The next time you are drained, put a little care package together for yourself and thank God for His sweet treats. Gum, chocolate, CD, Coffee, Candle.......
Be refreshed, my friend. Put together a little care package of happy things for yourself. Put something on your calendar to look forward to, and don't save your best for last. Enjoy now!"
Psalm 33:13-22
Today's challenge is two part. Spend some time this afternoon and treat your kiddos with something unexpected. Make some time for yourself. Create a care package!
"A special tradition in our home is an afternoon treat. My kids and I love fresh baked cookies, chewy brownies, and other concoctions of all kinds. Sometimes we eat apples, oranges or some other snack from the healthier regions of the food pyramid, but mostly we like a sweet treat....
If these little treats made me so happy as a child, why do they have to stop? Why is it that I sometimes think motherhood is all about what I do for others and never stop to think of the wonderful benefits of treating myself? I can see the church lady from the depths of my religious background jumping out with a finger wagging. "Don't be so worldy! Pull out your Bible and read a verse or two.....
If you are feeling really weary, sing a verse or two of "It is well with my soul," and stop thinking of yourself.....
I whisper back to her, "If you are so into giving these days, I'd gladly let you watch my kids, run their carpools, and clean and cook for me while I go sit in the tub and sing hymns and reflect on spiritual insights."......:)
The next time you are drained, put a little care package together for yourself and thank God for His sweet treats. Gum, chocolate, CD, Coffee, Candle.......
Be refreshed, my friend. Put together a little care package of happy things for yourself. Put something on your calendar to look forward to, and don't save your best for last. Enjoy now!"
Psalm 33:13-22
Today's challenge is two part. Spend some time this afternoon and treat your kiddos with something unexpected. Make some time for yourself. Create a care package!
*added 2 tsp of cumin and some shredded cheddar cheese
So, I took my own advice yesterday and attempted to "slow down" at dinner time. Wow....that was not easy. Within the first 5 minutes, my 2 1/2 year old was crying and was asked to leave the table and my 3 1/2 year old was complaining that she didn't have enough ranch. Whew....(and now I'm supposed to ask a conversation starter question or read a story)???!!!! Well, thats what I did. I first asked my daughter, Claire, what she wanted to do when she grows up. Not surprisingly, she said ballerina. My son, Caleb, (remember, not sitting at the table), from the couch, says he wants to be a robot. Ha ha. After a good laugh, he came back to the table. I thought to myself, ok, now it's time for a story. How about Daniel in the lion's den. I get as far as, Daniel still prayed to God everyday even though the King said not to.......when my son is asked to leave the table...again.....and my daughter gets in trouble for using her fork as an instrument. About that time, I decide.....I am defeated. I'll try again tomorrow. Through all the chaos, the tortilla pie was awesome! My daughter calls it tortillo pie :) and ate every bite. It would be good with shredded lettuce, olives, sour cream, and maybe some salsa. I hope you try it. Leave comments here to let me know what you think! Don't give up if your dinnertime sounds something like mine. Just try again tomorrow.
Monday, April 6
Meal Plan 2
Meal Plan 2
brown sugar chicken thanks to confessions of a wacky sahm
brown sugar chicken thanks to confessions of a wacky sahm
Slow Down Challenge
Our society is so fast and over stimulated. As families, we compete with TV, video games, cell phones, computers....the list goes on and on. It's challenging to stop.....turn everything off.....and be still. (Psalm 46:10) This week challenge yourself to slow down at dinner time. Take your time. Don't have an agenda. Talk. Listen. Enjoy learning something new about your spouse or kids. Here are a few ideas for conversation starters:
*Highs and Lows (made popular by the Story of Us movie) Simply ask each person their high and low of the day.
*Describe your perfect day (maybe you could help in making this one happen)
*What do you want to do when you grow up?
*If your kiddos are young....tell them a story (buy or look up online a kid version bible story)
I like My First Study Bible
Veggie Tales Bible (my friend bought this the other day...and it looks really fun)
Tell a classic story....example: serve peas with dinner and tell the princess and the pea story
Make up a creative!
*Highs and Lows (made popular by the Story of Us movie) Simply ask each person their high and low of the day.
*Describe your perfect day (maybe you could help in making this one happen)
*What do you want to do when you grow up?
*If your kiddos are young....tell them a story (buy or look up online a kid version bible story)
I like My First Study Bible
Veggie Tales Bible (my friend bought this the other day...and it looks really fun)
Tell a classic story....example: serve peas with dinner and tell the princess and the pea story
Make up a creative!
Sunday, April 5
How to use the Meal Plans
Each meal plan has 7 meals included. All families are different so arrange and change to suit your families needs. The meal plans are the basic of the basic. You can print it out (as well as a blank grocery list attached to each plan) and follow it or tweak it for you. If you like a cooking challenge, any item that says store bought on the meal plan, make yourself! I will be including some basic recipes or links to recipes for some of these items. I'll also share basics on how to create your own meal plan. I hope and pray this helps or inspires you and feel free to make comments or suggestions!
Meal Plan 1
I'm so new at blogging that it took me most of the evening last night and this morning to figure out how to give you guys a meal plan. FINALLY.....I figured it out! YEA! Here is Meal Plan 1!
Enjoy and Blessings,
Meal Plan 1
Enjoy and Blessings,
Meal Plan 1
Saturday, April 4
Hello and Welcome
Hey guys!
I'm super excited to be apart of the blog-world but more excited to actually help someone in making mealtime better.
As you probably read, I love to cook and plan meals, but I too get bored or feel un-inspired. During these times my family experiences lots of take-out pizza and quesadillas. I have been known to freeze a lot of meals, do 30 minute meals, crock pot, pressure cooker, grill, semi home-made, made from scratch.....and so on and so on. I have even purchased (yes purchased) meal plans online, but I found myself marking meals off and adding my own twist. I thought, I should compile my own meal plans and offer them to my friends all over the world (thanks Navy) for free. I mean, should we really have to pay someone for a little inspiration to cook. I say NO! So, my hope is that you get a little relief in planning meals and making grocery lists as well as be inspired to sit down at the table with your family and enjoy reclaiming dinner!
I'm super excited to be apart of the blog-world but more excited to actually help someone in making mealtime better.
As you probably read, I love to cook and plan meals, but I too get bored or feel un-inspired. During these times my family experiences lots of take-out pizza and quesadillas. I have been known to freeze a lot of meals, do 30 minute meals, crock pot, pressure cooker, grill, semi home-made, made from scratch.....and so on and so on. I have even purchased (yes purchased) meal plans online, but I found myself marking meals off and adding my own twist. I thought, I should compile my own meal plans and offer them to my friends all over the world (thanks Navy) for free. I mean, should we really have to pay someone for a little inspiration to cook. I say NO! So, my hope is that you get a little relief in planning meals and making grocery lists as well as be inspired to sit down at the table with your family and enjoy reclaiming dinner!
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