Hi. My name is Shelby and I'm addicted to cookbooks. whew, that feels good. Seriously though, I love cookbook. I read cookbooks like they are novels. I have a whole collection of them and then I still go weekly to the library to read more. :) We love going to the library. It's a great place for my kiddos to learn a little self-control......no running (we're workin on this one).....no yelling (workin on this one too)....no fighting (ok, you get the point). I worry about my kids growing up with no desire to simply read a book. They are bombarded with tv, games, internet now....can you imagine what it's gonna be like 20 years from now. (lets not go there....that would mean I'm 20 years older too....yikes :/ )
So here is my library stack:
The Big Book of Fish & Shellfish by Fred Thompson
~I've been skimming through this book. I'm excited to try some crab cakes and various sauces out of here. Stay tuned :)
Diabetic Living Cookbook from Better Homes and Gardens
~No one in my family is diabetic but I would like to educate myself. *sneak peak (I'm hopeing to add more variety to meal plans soon)
The Big Book of Diabetic Desserts by Jackie Mills
~Same as above.....just education. I do plan on making some of these though.
Short & Sweet by Melanie Barnard
~This book is about sophisticated desserts in 30 minutes or less. Something to look forward to....I'm planning on making Raspberry Lemon Layer Cake, Warm Mocha Truffle Cake, and Chocolate Thin Mint Triangles....all recipes found in this book.
Rachel Ray's BIG Orange Book
~This is a collection of good recipes from many of her books. If you love Rachel, you'll love this one. I plan on making her Tandoori Chicken. Yum-o (can't believe I just said that)
The Gluten, Wheat, & Dairy Free Cookbook by Antoinette Savill
~To be honest, I haven't even cracked this one open yet. It's another education book for me.
Southern Living 40 Years of Our Best Recipes
~I'm most excited about this one. Lots of pictures, lots of recipes, lots I can't wait to try! Nuff said. :)
What did you get from the library? OR What is your favorite cookbook? Leave a comment.
Inspired by Lynn's Kitchen Adventures
I always have a huge stack out from the libray, too. A food-related library book that I've just started is Endless Feasts: 60 Years of Writing from Gourmet, edited by Ruth Reichl. So far it's good :)