Wednesday, June 17

Which Blog Wednesday ~ Mommy

Today's feature is Mommy! Stefani runs this great website and has sooo many great tips and tools. You won't be surprised to find that my favorite is the freebie/contest section, specifically the coffee samples and stuff!

Here is our interview:

Name: Stefani
Thoughts, Opinions, Reviews and More From A Work At Home Mom
What is your blog about: My blog is geared towards a variety of topics. I do product reviews on products I think other moms would enjoy. I also share freebies, work at home opportunities, tips, website reviews and more.
What is your passion in doing this blog: I love being able to express my thoughts and opinions about products, websites and services to other moms.
Best tip(s) for WAHM: There are definitely ways to make money at home. If you put your mind to it, you can start making multiple streams of extra income at home. This can be done by blogging, starting a home business opportunity, freelance writing, finding a work at home job and more.
Anything else you'd like to share about you, family, or blog: I am a full time work at home mom of 4. I stay home with my kids and juggle a network of websites and blogs geared towards moms. On top of that I help other moms generate leads for their home based business, write articles, do freelance writing for other clients and more.

Leave a comment to tell us your favorite part of Mommy Enterprises.
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